Sunday, June 28, 2009

Embracing our Creative Spirits!

Today is the Day! My interview on "Embracing your Creative Spirit" with my lovely friend Tiffany Windsor...on her inspired at home Blogtalk Radio show...I can't believe that I have butterflies...But I do. So much to try and share in short 10 minutes! The event is today at 4:00 Pacific time.

I am so looking forward to reconnecting with my old friends and sharing what is new in my life...
Probably the biggest surprise for all our old friends is the same big surprise my Husband Roban and I got on the day that our 24 year old daughter Rileigh was in labor with our first Grandchild..

I found out that I was expecting my own little age 47 (o.k. now I really have no secrets!)!

The photo at the beginning of this post is a three generation photo. Taken last Friday of me holding my perfect and beautiful 15 month old baby Maranda Aurora Indigo Bieber and she is holding her equally as yummy 3 week old niece Brooklyn Violet Hansen (Yes... my 2nd beautiful Grandchild)

As you can see our “green healthy eat all the fresh organic fruits and vegetables you desire” lifestyle has more than proven successful! I have never felt better or been more grateful for my blessings in my life...I had no idea how much fun this would be!

When I first told my husband ( Roban) that I was pregnant he said..." I always felt like there was one more spirit for us up in Heaven waiting to come into our family"...I replied, " Well I am glad that God told you...Cause I was Floored"
More photos of my family at the end of this post!

But lets take a minute and talk… about my book and upcoming...Book giveaway! Click on it if you want to purchase a copy.
Here are some of the projects in my book…everything is made from Felted wool sweaters from the back of the closet or from my local thrift store. The rush you get from felting on purpose is enormous! Especially if you have ever “accidentally” felted a favorite sweater! I also love the rush that comes from making a project in an afternoon…for a few bucks…vs. Spending big bucks on wool yarn taking and weeks and weeks to knit. Don’t get me wrong I am a knitter and I love to knit, but Creating projects this way feels like magic.

So here are the details. Share with me (by making a comment on my blog) your favorite recycling or repurposing craft project or wearable idea and the winner gets a Free copy of my book! Basically we are just sharing ideas on how we can redefine the supplies and stuff around our house…Can you say old unfinished needlepoint into cool new shopping bag, You know that kind of stuff.

Got to run... interview coming up! If you miss it tonight you can always down load it at blogtalk radio and hear it in your pajamas while you are making some cool project!...p.s. Add glitter! or at least put a little behind your fine perfume!
Here are photos of Skylar ( 10) Tristan (7), Rileigh 24 and my son in law Ben Hansen, Rileigh, My Granddaughter Jocelyn Rose ( and Marandas neice), Jason ( 23), Katelyn ( 18), Jocelyn, Skylar and Maranda, and of course the three generations Brooklyn, Maranda and Me!


  1. Greetings Katheryn!
    I am so very excited about finding your blog and hearing you on the computer through the Inspired Living webcast. I have been denying my creative spirit as loneliness set in, all my fave craft shows are no longer broadcast. My son showed me how to use the internet and wow, I have been so blessed to find you all again, feels like home again. Anyway I heard you ask about how we recycle with our crafts. In my preschool class we reuse cereal boxes by making rubbing boards out of them (glue yarn on in shapes for rubbings), file folders cut in large letters and shapes as homework (they take them home with old magazines and glue on similar letters or shapes), soda bottles (used for tornadoes with a little adapter from the science museum).. I try to reuse many things. Most items are donated from the families of my students. It is so much fun just to make "creative designs" with my students, blue paint is the hardest to get out of the carpet but everything else comes up pretty well. The best part is watching them discover, when the light in their eyes goes on and you can see that they like this! Sorry to have typed so much, I feel like a shaken pop bottle someone let the lid off of!! I did not know I could type to you, this technology stuff is so exciting! Take care, thanks for joining the webcast.

  2. Hello Katheryn!

    What a wonderfully inspiring interview. I really enjoyed it. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us.

    Love, Violette
