Tuesday, April 24, 2007


SweaterElla by Katheryn Bieber
Enchanting Sustainable Style
by Katheryn Bieber

"Be the change you want to see in the world!" Gandhi

Just as CinderElla (SweaterElla?) went from frumpy to fabulous.....The real magic in any CinderElla story is simply a shift in perspective.

I am always on the look-out for treasures waiting to be rediscovered, recycled and remade into fabulously fun felt-a-licious things...and my designs are always infused with joyful passion and a love of beauty. My latest projects and designs are created from recycled sweaters and fabrics, often lined with silk blouses and other lovelies discovered from thrift store treasure hunting adventures... and finally they are embellished with my life long stash of all things vintage

SweaterElla by Katheryn Bieber
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
While I do have original designs available for purchase at http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5066053
I am intensely passionate about creating and sharing projects, plans and inspiration. (Let's just call it my therapy). I will be sharing new ideas and tutorials on a regular basis...at least once or twice a month
After all
" We are each of us angels with only one wing,
and we can fly
only by
embracing each other!"

and speaking of flying...I am flying high that my new book
"Felt it, Stitch it, Fabulous"
got a really good review from Booklist...

Here is a copy of the review
Bieber, Katheryn Tidwell. Felt It! Stitch It! Fabulous! Creative Wearables from Flea Market Finds. May 2007. 128p. illus. index. Sterling/Lark/Chapelle, $24.95 (1-60059-067-5). 746.
This is not a knitting book, although it looks like one. Using a technique she calls “fast felting,” the author turns old, discarded sweaters found at flea markets, thrift stores, or even the back of the closet into clothes and accessories that look handmade. And at first glance, you would think this was just another felted knitting book. The projects are contemporary, creative, and stylish. The process––shrinking old sweaters to create felted materials––saves both time and money, for quick results. Bieber covers every aspect of the process, from finding appropriate feltable garments to arranging the pattern pieces to maximize the details of the felted materials. The author assumes some basic sewing experience, but the projects can be completed using either a sewing machine or by hand. Most helpful are the sections on finding the correct sweater and photographs illustrating the before and after of different types of knits so readers can see what kind of results to expect. The projects have strong appeal to knitters and sewers as well as the reuse, recycle, and repurpose craft movement. —Jennifer Palmer
You can check out my new book
"Felt it, Stitch it, Fabulous"
That's all for now I've got to run to pick up my sweet kiddies from school and start preparing my first tutorial to share with you on my new blog!

Here is a hint...If you have ever seen old dusty framed needlework projects at the thrift store and felt the passion of the designer but felt sad that they were sitting there feeling lost and left behind..I have a wonderful way to give them a new purpose and great new life
Sending Creative Joy,
Katheryn Bieber
SweaterElla's official Faerie Godmother
SweaterElla by Katheryn Bieber

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you! Your first blog! You are the most talented and beautiful woman and I am so in Love with you!
    Your husband for time and all eternity,
